Monday, December 12, 2016

TGIM Reflection -- 12/12/16

Hello again, sisters! Take a deep breath, put on the coffee pot, and welcome a totally new Monday. December of 2016 only has four Mondays in total--so, yes, we can do this!

Our TGIM Reflection for today comes from one of my Pinterest boards. (Incidentally, feel free to follow any of my boards that interest you.)

Father, I pray my child thinks about what is true, noble, and right today.

That prayer actually comes from Philippians 4:8, which says, "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." (KJV)

Today, take an extra moment to pray this prayer for your child (or children). It doesn't matter if your son or daughter is 5 or 35; he or she may not want to worry you or has other reasons for not speaking up if they're troubled in some way.

As we all know, the world is a much rougher place than when we were growing up. Say a special prayer for your precious loved ones, that they may focus on all that is right in their lives, all the blessings, and that God will minister to them today and lift them up.

And if you aren't a parent yourself, then a niece, nephew, student, or someone else's child could use your prayer. No prayer is ever wasted! Trust in God's power to move in your special young person's life.

Have a great Monday!

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