Monday, November 14, 2016

TGIM Reflection 11/14/16

Good morning & Happy Monday, sister!

Are we ready for today? The Monday that follows a long weekend has an even worse reputation than your average, every-day-Joe Monday. But that's all right: We're facing this day with the Good Shepherd.

And here is our reflection to carry you through this beautiful Monday:

"Each one of them is Jesus in disguise." -- Mother Teresa

That is what Mother Teresa said about the poor and sickly that she spent so much of her life helping. We may not be on "the front lines," as she was, but we all have our own mission field in this world.

Do you look for Jesus every day? You may see Him today...and on MONDAY, of all days! He may be disguised as that coworker who is going through a hard time, who could use an encouraging word and someone to listen. He may be a client, a customer, a patient, a student, anyone who needs to see the Light of this World through your smile and kindness. He may be the stranger that you pass on the street today, who may look distracted or sad, who desperately needs your prayers. It could be anyone who, at this time of year, asks for help in some way, either for food or clothing or a small gift to give their kids.

There's a song that Sidewalk Prophets sing that demonstrates Mother Teresa's words. If you get a chance, you can hear Save My Life here. Here's a little snippet from the lyrics:

Tell me what I need to hear
Tell me that I'm not forgotten
Show me there's a God 
Who can be more than all I've ever wanted
'Cause right now I need a little hope
I need to know that I'm not alone
Maybe God is calling you tonight
To tell me something that might save my life.

We never know what form He might take, so let's look for our King today in everyone we meet. May we make it our prayer that He will bless others through us, that we will love our neighbor, as He has asked of us, all to His glory.

Have a great Monday!


  1. Love it! Thank you for the Inspiration.

  2. Thank you for letting me know! Glad that it blessed you! :D
