Sunday, May 29, 2016

New Summer Read on the Way

Actually, two--one that is a light, airy summer romance, and one that is an in-the-works Christian drama/thriller. I don't know how else to explain that second one, and I'm holding off before saying anything else at this moment, but the gist of it is that you'll have some exciting reading to do come those hot summer months!

On another note, I apologize for my lack of updates. Writing-wise, sometimes a writer needs to refill her well. That looks like what I've been doing, as I took some time off from story-creating to spend time with family and friends, plus of course, fitting in day hikes here and there. Looks like that was a good plan, because this promises to be a busy year, with our youngest grandson's birthday party sending us back up north to New Jersey and then another trip up to upstate New York for our nephew's wedding. All this well-refilling has sent me back to the laptop (and pen and paper--yes, I still write that old-fashioned way!) with renewed zest.

More updates coming this month. Have a happy and safe Memorial Day!

Sunday, May 15, 2016


He who testifies to these things says, "Yes, I am coming quickly." Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

-- Revelations 22:20, New American Standard

Today our pastor started his very dynamic Sunday message with this scripture, which also happens to be one of my favorites. As someone who looks forward to the Second Coming of our Lord, I was so inspired by his message that I wanted to share ONE SWEET DAY with readers, having it be FREE for the next three days.

So please, if you haven't read this book, which is about a group of believers from different walks of life right before the Rapture, make sure you get your copy! Available below at different retailers:


Kobo Books


May it read and encourage you and get you excited about that one sweet day!