Thursday, February 13, 2014


Yes, I know ONE SWEET DAY hasn't been out very long, but I'm also very excited to share the news about my new upcoming Christian romance series, JOYFUL NOISE. This 3-book series takes place in a fictional town named Hathaway, which is only a hop, skip & a jump from the real-life town of Wildwood, New Jersey. In each book, one or the other--the hero or heroine--will be a musician. Hence, the name of the series, Joyful Noise, taken from Psalm 100:1!

In Book 1, UNCONDITIONAL, readers will be meeting all of the characters who will "star" in their own book...including lots of minor but important-in-their-own-right characters, too! UNCONDITIONAL will kick off the series in March 2014 and be PERMANENTLY free. I hope to release DISTANT FIRE in May or June, with FOR THE LOVE OF SUMMER being published hopefully no later than August.

So for now, here is the cover release for each of these books! Oh--and don't forget there are only a few days left to sign up to win one of THREE paperback editions of ONE SWEET DAY on Goodreads. And in the meantime, before the release of JOYFUL NOISE, if you haven't read THE LARKSPUR VALLEY SERIES, be sure to pick up an ebook version from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Apple, Kobo or any of its distributors! Enjoy this snowy N'oreaster day and be careful about there!

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