Friday, November 30, 2018


Yes! It's late in coming, but WHATSOEVER THINGS ARE LOVELY--A GUIDE TO CHRISTIAN SIMPLE LIVING is now available on Amazon! Very shortly, it will also be available on Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Itunes books, Kobo, and so on.

I do apologize for the delay in publishing this book, and give a couple of reasons for that delay: life and life. Well, to be honest, it was more than that, I'm sorry to say; first and foremost, it's been a few years since my last published book. I wanted it to be just right, so I held off on the date, and of course, it's the end of the year, with all that entails.

But all that's behind us now...and this baby's finally PUBLISHED! Click here for the link to buy WHATSOEVER THINGS ARE LOVELY. As icing on the cake, I'll be uploading a video shortly to my YouTube ministry, Lamp Unto My Feet, with some background on the book.

And holiday season or not, I'll be working on my next book--a longer work of fiction this time--during the next several weeks. My (creative) fountain has been generously refilled!

Saturday, September 29, 2018



Also at this time, I'm able to share that this nonfiction book will be available for purchase on Saturday, October 20 of this year.

Thank you for all the kind comments about this book! Maranatha!

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Change of Plans--First NONFICTION Book

Yep, a lot HAS happened since my last post--including changing streams when it comes to genre! On top of that, I'm excited to announce that this will be my first NONFICTION book.

That was completely unexpected and yet to be expected. Whatsoever Things Are Lovely--A Guide to Christian Simple Living, you could say, is a book that's been a few years in the making, and yet it practically wrote itself in a matter of weeks. Lots of paradoxes about this project.

Don't expect a very big book, because as my friend Amy said, it is about minimalism, after all! The book is about the length of a novella. Currently, it's in the process of being edited and I will be doing the cover reveal right here on my blog next week.

Part personal testimonial of my own journey, part tips, part exhortation to Christians, Whatsoever Things Are Lovely has a devotional air to it. As a little backstory, the idea for the book came up as a result of my own disappointment of not finding much material in book form on Christian minimalism and simple living. You CAN find blogs and such, but there seemed to be slim pickings when it came to books and even less for devotionals.

After much prayer and scribbling, I gave the project over to the Lord, and let Him guide me through it. Hoping it will be a blessing to all who read it.

In the coming weeks I'll have more insights into the book to share with you, but expect an October 2018 release date for it. I hope you'll put Whatsoever Things Are Lovely--A Guide to Christian Simple Living on your TBR List!

Monday, July 2, 2018

A Little More Update...

...Yes, a little more update, a little more tease.

This new book is coming along now. It's been a busy, crazy summer so far, and June and July are months stacked with birthdays--our youngest son Brandon, plus grandsons Matthew and Billy, all have birthdays within weeks of each other. Friends, that is a LOT of cake we're talking about!

In between all those parties, I've been working on this new book, which is much different than anything I've done in the past.

That's not so strange, considering I'm writing from a different place than I did years ago, when I wrote my earlier books. Surely, that can't be unique to me. My work has evolved from when I was a brand-new published author (and young wife and mother). I believe that's the way it should be, though, you know? We should have something new to say, as authors, some new story to tell.

And my life has changed since then. In those earlier years I lived in New Jersey and worked across the river, in Manhattan, first as a secretary and then as a magazine author. My life as a working wife and mother had me writing until the wee hours of the morning, and I had much different stories to tell.

Now, having lived here in the South for almost twelve years, the life I share with my husband is active but pleasantly, somewhat slower. Yes--I still work, though I'm only a few years from retirement now. I'm not the night owl I once was, but I'm an early bird, squeezing in as much writing as I can.

My readers have evolved, too. I loved the conversation I had with a friend, a sister from church, while we sat on the beach with our sunglasses and sipping water with other gals at a retreat. When I shared with her what I had been working on, and the fact that that book had older characters, she remarked, "Well, Connie, I would think your readers will appreciate that, too. You're speaking to them right where they are, with characters they can really relate to."

After that encouraging conversation, I can't wait to share that book with you, too! But this one that may be done first is my first (maybe my only?) coming-of-age story, with a protagonist who is only 13 years old at the onset.

And that's all I can share for now.

Remember, this is just a little update.

Just a little tease.

More of an update coming soon!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Yep, Still Here!

Hello, out there! I can't believe it's taken me so long to check in, with my last entry being over 6 months ago. That's pretty shameful! So here I am again, checking in ever so briefly to say that I have TWO projects in the works, and maybe a third. Hoping to be able to get them finished shortly.

Even that was almost derailed by a computer mishap. My husband, Bill, and I have it figured out now: It seems that every two years or so, I find myself getting a new computer because SOMETHING terrible, dreadful, unfortunate (enough adjectives for you? Just breaking the writing rules on a cool summer evening) happens.

Except this time the dog really did eat my computer. Well, Piper didn't eat it, per se. She's a little skittish, besides being gorgeous, as you can tell from the picture below. You see, I have this tiny Lenovo laptop that I've had for 2 years, which has been my favorite computer. I have a morning ritual where I journal in the mornings while I have my coffee and breakfast, before I go to work. My computer was still on the kitchen table, juicing up, when Piper got nervous about something, burst out from under the table, caught the power cord in her paw, and dragged the computer off the table...along with Bill's pitcher of iced tea.

You get the picture. My poor laptop took a bath in iced tea. Praise God for the external mouse and keyboard I just happened to have kept over the years!

Anyway, I have no excuses now. I can keep working on my new projects and hope to have one ready before summer's end. There's a lot to be said about these two particular project, neither of which is like anything I've worked on in the past, though I do hope you'll enjoy them once they're in your hands.

I WILL be checking in later to share the story behind the first project, so stay tuned!

Older picture of our "big girl", Piper