Sunday, April 27, 2008

Those Two Wonderful Little Words

If you're a writer, published or not, you already know what those two little words are.

Yep. You got it.


I just wrote those words last night, which means I moved into Editor Mode this morning. With a cup of coffee and my hubby reading the newspaper next to me on our porch, I started editing my newest work, an inspirational novella entitled Boardwalk Angel. Because of time constraints, that romantic little tale--all 85 pages of it, though the page count is subject to change--took at least two weeks longer to complete than it usually takes me to write a story that length. Know what was a pleasant surprise? That over a decade of writing professionally, the thrill of writing the words THE END (as in, writing an entire project from start to finish) never loses its thrill.

And now that I've got the time, I decided to finally start this blog. I don't know if I'll get many readers, but if even one person passes by and is inspired to write after reading my words, that'll make it worth it. I won't just be blogging about writing. Probably scribbling about whatever catches my attention, whatever makes me laugh or feel or think. But if you're looking for something upbeat to read, I hope you'll drop by.

You're probably wondering what I've done, writing-wise. For a list of my past, present and upcoming publications, you can visit Connie Keenan's website or visit me on my MySpace page, ckwriter. The publishers of my most recent works include New Concepts Publishing, Midnight Showcase, and ByGrace Publishing.

Okay, that's it for now! Hope you'll come by again. If you do, feel free to drop me a note. And if you love writing, you're going to enjoy coming here.