I do apologize for the delay in publishing this book, and give a couple of reasons for that delay: life and life. Well, to be honest, it was more than that, I'm sorry to say; first and foremost, it's been a few years since my last published book. I wanted it to be just right, so I held off on the date, and of course, it's the end of the year, with all that entails.
But all that's behind us now...and this baby's finally PUBLISHED! Click here for the link to buy WHATSOEVER THINGS ARE LOVELY. As icing on the cake, I'll be uploading a video shortly to my YouTube ministry, Lamp Unto My Feet, with some background on the book.
And holiday season or not, I'll be working on my next book--a longer work of fiction this time--during the next several weeks. My (creative) fountain has been generously refilled!