With only 3 days to go before the release of ONCE UPON A PAINTED HORSE, I'm posting the playlist of songs that were mentioned in the book. If you'd like to listen to the song, just click on the title to be brought to a YouTube video for each individual one. (And hopefully I got them all!) Music figured quite a bit in this one, especially with a hero who is the church pianist.
The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power (Andrae Crouch)
Amazing Grace (sung by the church, but here's a great version by Alan Jackson)
Thrive (Casting Crowns)
Pretty Woman
Midnight Cry
I Am (Crowder)
Shoulders (For King and Country)
The One I'm Running To (Seventh Time Down)
Slow Fade (Casting Crowns)
More Than Wonderful (Sandi Patti & Larnelle Harris)