Hello, out there! I can't believe it's taken me so long to check in, with my last entry being over 6 months ago. That's pretty shameful! So here I am again, checking in ever so briefly to say that I have TWO projects in the works, and maybe a third. Hoping to be able to get them finished shortly.
Even that was almost derailed by a computer mishap. My husband, Bill, and I have it figured out now: It seems that every two years or so, I find myself getting a new computer because SOMETHING terrible, dreadful, unfortunate (enough adjectives for you? Just breaking the writing rules on a cool summer evening) happens.
Except this time the dog really did eat my computer. Well, Piper didn't eat it, per se. She's a little skittish, besides being gorgeous, as you can tell from the picture below. You see, I have this tiny Lenovo laptop that I've had for 2 years, which has been my favorite computer. I have a morning ritual where I journal in the mornings while I have my coffee and breakfast, before I go to work. My computer was still on the kitchen table, juicing up, when Piper got nervous about something, burst out from under the table, caught the power cord in her paw, and dragged the computer off the table...along with Bill's pitcher of iced tea.
You get the picture. My poor laptop took a bath in iced tea. Praise God for the external mouse and keyboard I just happened to have kept over the years!
Anyway, I have no excuses now. I can keep working on my new projects and hope to have one ready before summer's end. There's a lot to be said about these two particular project, neither of which is like anything I've worked on in the past, though I do hope you'll enjoy them once they're in your hands.
I WILL be checking in later to share the story behind the first project, so stay tuned!
Older picture of our "big girl", Piper