That little monkey sitting on our endtable belongs to my granddaughter, Aubrey. She forgot the poor little guy yesterday when she and her parents and brother Matthew came for dinner, but he's dutifully waiting, either for us to return him to her or for her to come back for him, whichever comes first!
Each time I see him there, he's a reminder of something so touching that happened last night. It's been really hot here in North Carolina for at least the past two weeks, so we've been getting a lot of use from our pool lately. After dinner we were all gathered on the pool deck, and Aubrey and I are in the water together. She's got her little pink lifevest on and she's in her float, kicking her legs playfully in the water, and I'm giving her a big hug and a kiss and telling her how much I love her.
Well, my granddaughter, who's a toddler of 2 1/2, gently turns my face and kisses my cheek with such complete and genuine affection, as only a child can express her love. And the look that she gave me afterwards, without any words at all, basked me in that same love, so much that she touched my heart with her tenderness.
There are moments like that which remind me of that song a few years ago, the Bob Carlisle song "Butterfly Kisses." The song applies more to her mom and dad, but her grandfather and I can relate, too. Because both Aubrey and Matthew won't stay little forever, and I'm grateful to the Lord to be a part of their lives. They'll grow up too soon, first into bigger kids and then into teenagers and young adults, and they won't have as much time for their Grandma and Grandpa. These precious times won't last, so I want to store them in my heart.
And I'll always remember that moment in the pool, when my sweet granddaughter said
I love you so poignantly and so powerfully, without even having to say the words. It's times like that when I can feel the Lord Jesus close, sharing that hug with us.
As for her monkey, I'll take good care of him until he gets back to her!