Sunday, March 12, 2017

Special Offer & Updates

Happy March!

Forgive me. I know it's been a while. As usual, I have to prove myself as the Internet's worst blogger, LOL! Since it's a lazy Sunday (during which most of the morning's snow here in North Carolina had melted) and I'm procrastinating in between working on my new WIP, I thought I'd post, say hi, and add some updates.

First, a special offer for you! This being the week of my birthday, I've decided to give GOODNIGHT, MY LOVE for free. If you haven't read this, my previous release, you can pick it up right now from Smashwords. Later, it'll be available on Kobo, iBooks, etc. Enjoy & Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Now for updates...

On a personal note, I'm back to my yoga practice again. I had left it for several months, but I've missed it, so I'm again fitting it into my schedule. We have to make time for the things we enjoy and that relax us, no?

Also, I have not written in some time. There, it's out there. I don't know why, but I do go through those patches of time during which I don't write. In this post, I'm happy to report that the muse has struck, my well is full again, all that writing jazz, and I'm working on a new romance, a historical! Will post more info, plus a cover reveal, when we get closer to its completion.

My estimated time for publication is tentatively scheduled for May 2017, if all goes well. I have a lot of pans in the fire, so that may be delayed, but I'll absolutely keep you posted.

Until later & may the Lord bless you always!
